Meeting documents

SSDC District Executive
Thursday, 2nd February, 2023 9.30 am

  • Meeting of District Executive, Thursday 2nd February 2023 9.30 am (Item 117.)




That District Executive noted that:-



The total amount of the agreed capital budget on the Yeovil Crematorium Refurbishment and Extension Project had been reprofiled so that the spend anticipated to be incurred 2023/24 and in following years has been deferred by a year.



Future spend would be dependent upon an updated business case being submitted to the Somerset Council next year for implementation 2024/25 and beyond.



The total forecast capital spend for this financial year was £0.700m, spending in 2023/24 was £0.385m and the remaining £3.367m had been reprofiled for 2024/25 and beyond.


To note that the councillors elected to the new Somerset Council had undertaken an extensive review of the revenue and capital budgets for the financial year 2023/24 and beyond and the impact this had on the Yeovil Crematorium Refurbishment and Extension Project.



The Vice Chairman of Yeovil Without Parish Council (YWPC), partner in the Yeovil Crematorium, addressed the Committee.  He said that YWPC had always been treated as an equal partner at board meetings although their holding was only 11% and they had always taken difficult funding decisions together, however, it appeared that the decision to defer the project had been taken without reference to them.  He noted that approximately £650,000 of funding from YWPC was held by SSDC for the project and he asked that be returned to the Parish Council reserve fund until such time as the new business case was made and then funding from them would be returned to the project.  He concluded that the area needed a more modern facility to say goodbye with dignity.


The Commercial Property, Land and Development Manager noted there would be a meeting of the Crematorium Board on 21 February and there would need to be future discussions on how to progress the project so it would not be a final meeting.  He also clarified that as a separate company to SSDC, VAT was payable on the project.


The Portfolio Holder for Area South and the Yeovil Crematorium agreed that Crematorium Board Meetings had been cancelled recently as there had been no business to discuss and he was very disappointed that the project was to be deferred for one year.  He said the decision had been taken and that SSDC could only note this but there would need to be future discussions between SSDC and YWPC on issues such as the car park extension and Garden of Remembrance.  He also noted that the new Somerset Council should be aware of the partnership arrangement with YWPC.


The Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee said they understood that not every project could go forward but this was a profitable business and costs may rise if the project were delayed.  He said SCC councillors should challenge the decision and there should be careful consideration on the publicity around the delay and the reputation of SSDC.


During discussion, points were raised regarding the delay, the new business case, the continuity of officers with knowledge of the project, and the financial situation which had caused SCC to defer the project.  Councillors who were also Unitary Councillors said they would continue to press for the scheme to be reinstated. 


At the conclusion of the debate, Members were content to note the recommendations of the report.



That District Executive noted that:-



the total amount of the agreed capital budget has been reprofiled so that the spend anticipated to be incurred 2023/24 and in following years has been deferred by a year on the Yeovil Crematorium Refurbishment and Extension Project.



future spend would be dependent upon an updated business case being submitted to the Somerset Council next year for implementation 2024/25 and beyond.



the total forecast capital spend for this financial year was £0.700m, spending in 2023/24 was £0.385m and the remaining £3.367m had been reprofiled for 2024/25 and beyond.


To note that the councillors elected to the new Somerset Council had undertaken an extensive review of the revenue and capital budgets for the financial year 2023/24 and beyond and the impact this had on the Yeovil Crematorium Refurbishment and Extension Project.


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